Start Your Ebay offering Business


I love to reflect on memories. It's like reliving them again, but no matter what I do, that memory can't be lived again in this moment. We sometimes get caught up being stuck with 'I wonder if I had done that, what would of happened?" syndrome.

How about if a few weeks later I send him an audio CD by a speaker or trainer (could even be a competitor of mine.) that gives him loads of great ideas on how to deal with his challenge? More debt? Yes. What if a few weeks after that I send him a copy of a best selling business book by another author that gives him even more information. More debt, Yes. What if I send him a copy of this book? See the point?

You were trying to do it yourself but you were doing it wrong. A lot of people mistakenly believe that their dabbling and fooling around a bit with social media themselves counts as a well thought out & executed Social Media Marketing Campaign. And then they are surprised when it doesn't work.

The terms of the 1st position note should include: an interest rate of at least Prime (currently 8.25%); Amortized equally, monthly for up to 30 years; Pre-payment penalty for the first five years; Significant and detailed late and default payment stipulations.

Hand held leaf blowers do have their place. This is true even for a lawn care business. They're great for getting into the small places that are hard to reach. They also can handle dry grass better. It's just easier and handier to use them in those situations.

Or, just take a look around your own hometown and neighborhood. Have you ever noticed any "For Sale" or "For Rent" signs out in front of where a small business once used to be? What about "Going Out Of business sale" signs? Yep, we've all seen 'em.

I make sure my copy is "you" oriented. You want to use the words You and Your at least 3 times more often than the words I, Me, My, Mine or Ours. Simply count up the occurrences of each word and make sure it's at least a 3-to-1 ratio. Then make any edits as necessary.

Undervaluing or devaluing your products is not a smart move. A lot of people will offer their products at wholesale cost or even at a loss in order to attract and keep customers. The problem is that you, more than likely, do not sell enough in volume to make a profit. Businesses that don't make a profit don't stay in business very long.

We all get into direct selling for two main reasons; the product and the income opportunity. But it usually takes a while to see the bigger picture. What many people find surprising is that it is not always about the money. We all know money is important, but it is not the real reason people succeed in this business. There is always a more important and profound Why than just money. It is your mission to help people find their Why and the money will follow.

L had wasted 2 years of my life trying to force my way into success. I had been wasting time talking to people who I knew weren't interested, but hoped to God they would be.